to whom it may concern

on 22/4/11


dear friend:
   first we wish you have a happy day and good  work ,rU we are a big wholesaler, nB  and we maily selling electronice items , FH  such as digital camera, 3L mobile phone, LCD TV, xbox, Laptops, DV, Mp4, GPS,uzmotorcycle and so on , T Gf   if you have time hope you can visit our website :  i think you can find somehting you interested in , Vv   we can offer you our best service and lowest price for you.
All the products are free shipping.
Please accept my season's greetings.

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Presentacion Powerpoint del Renacimiento

Con la colaboación del primer equipo de exposición, le dejamos aquí la presentación del Renacimiento, por si alguien desea tenerla. Saludos!! RENACIMIENTO

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