on 24/2/11

Dear Sir/Madam,

Are you utilizing Heat Maps in analysis of your website visitors' behavior?

HeatMaps can help you with

1) Maximizing your advertising revenue by identifying high activity areas
2) Optimizing your website layout to improve conversion rate
3) Reorganizing underperforming content

While there are some commercial heat map providers that charge for their services, is the ONLY free heat map solution that gives you the power to generate reports just like this:

Screenshot #1

Most commercial enterprises have been using this technology for years - now you can get the same functionality out of the box free of charge.

Installation is free and easy - no programming skills are needed and you don't need a credit card. To set up HeatMaps for your site(s) please register at:

Once registered, you can set up heatmaps for as many websites as you wish.

Please let me know how it works out or if you need my help.

John Gerharde

Developer of

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Lectura 02 Octavio

Lectura02 Pintura y Vida Cotidiana Aquí hay otra liga por si no pueden descargar el archivo anterior:

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